Why Do People Move?

Life is constantly changing–relationships, jobs, children, and family all cause shifts in our lifestyles and more specifically where we live.

People relocate to a new home for a number of reasons: career, relationships, family, finances or just for change itself. Here are nine reasons why people move:

  1. Larger Home
    Upsizing is one reason people move. A couple that decides to start having children soon realize that their initial home no longer meets their growing family’s needs. As children grow, there is a need for extra bedrooms and living space. The more children added, the greater the need for a larger home with more bedrooms, bathrooms, and a larger yard.
  2. Downsizing
    When children grow and leave the home, some parents opt to downsize and relocate to a smaller, more manageable house.
  3. Homeownership
    Homeownership is still very much a part of the American dream for many people–and falls into our “top 10 reasons for relocating” category. While homeownership comes with a number of responsibilities, it also comes with opportunities too like creating your dream home, enjoying your personal lifestyle, and peace of mind.
  4. Change in Relationships
    Personal relationships often cause people to move. Whether you’re starting a new life as a couple or starting over after a divorce, these life events cause people to move. Another reason could be a death in the family causing you to move from a home holding too many memories.
  5. Change in Employment
    Job promotions and company relations may cause people to move from their current home. If a new job requires extensive commute times, many people find it easier to move closer to their new place of employment.
  6. Change
    Some people change … for the sake of change. Moving to a new town or state gives people the chance to add excitement to their lives. They have the opportunity to make new friends, experience new things, and explore new career paths.
  7. Financial Reasons
    Cost of living varies from one place to another. When a family faces a financial crisis, the logical thing to do is move to a convenient but less expensive location. At times, the move to a more affordable house or location is just a measure to cut down on spending and save more.
  8. Better Home
    As income increases so does the tendency to want better things. A better home falls into this category. After years of hard work and wise spending, upgrading to a better, newer home is often the ultimate reward for many people.
  9. Schools
    Good school districts should be a top priority for people with and without children. Homes located in a good school district provide families with children the best chance at a top education. And for people without children, buying a house in a good school district helps optimize the home’s future resale value.

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