Why a professional home inspection is always good idea

home-inspectionBefore purchasing a home, you should always have it inspected by a professional home inspector   The home inspection will typically cover on the exterior, walls, foundation, grading, ( to make sure water is running away from the home) as well as the garage. On the interior the inspection will cover the homes heating and cooling systems, plumbing and electrical, as well as kitchen appliances. They will check kitchens and bathrooms for good water pressure as well as leaky faucets, or pipes that leak. They will inspect the electrical box, verifying how much amp service is in the home. The will also determine the type of wiring that’s in the house. The inspectors will check the outlets to make sure they are operating safely and are grounded correctly, preventing you from getting shocked in areas that contain water such as the kitchens and bathrooms. In addition most of the inspectors will do a termite inspection, or work with a company that does. Many homes have termites or have suffered from termite damage. A home with termites can be treated and is not usually a major cause for concern.

Once the inspection is complete the inspector will issue a report which will deem things as minor which can be repaired as you go, major which may be items that need replacing and which the buyer may try and use to renegotiate the price of the home, or a safety concern, which will need immediate attention. If the report deems that the home needs to much additional work, the buyer may opt not to go ahead with the deal. There is usually a stipulation in the contract that allows for such cases.

Although I do agree that everyone purchasing a home should have it inspected, I do caution that it is important to go through the report and determine the items which are really important. At times these reports are so complex, and list everything down to a crack in the sidewalk.It becomes scary and difficult to determine what’s important and what’s not. The buyer needs to understand that the house they are buying is not new home Appliances, heating and cooling systems should be in good working order, not necessarily new. The buyer will need to repair and replace things In addition to making the house their home.

The inspection report is there to guide you, use it as a tool to help determine the overall condition of the home you are purchasing.

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