Sell Your Home for Top Dollar With These Home Staging Tips

Staging is key to selling your home for top dollar.

If you’re planning to sell your home, consider staging it.  From decluttering and cleaning to rearranging and styling, successful home staging can make you money.  In fact, according to the National Association of REALTORS® “2015 Profile of Home Staging,” 71 percent of sellers’ agents agree a well-staged home increases the dollar amount home buyers offer.

If you are a HGTV fan, you know home staging is when the “pros” go through a home clearing out the clutter, highlighting its strengths and presenting each room in the best light that will attract the largest group of potential home buyers.

But, do you need to hire a professional stager?  Maybe not.  Use these six tips to manage the styling and upgrading of your home to fetch a higher sales price.

  1. Ban the Clutter
    Nothing turns away prospective buyers quite as quickly as clutter. For some buyers, clutter makes it impossible for them to see the home because all they can see is the mess. For others, clutter makes them feel as if the home does not have enough space for their own needs because it does not have enough room for yours. Clear away the clutter so the home’s spacious design shows through.
  2. Spruce up the Front Door
    When selling your home, the front door of your home is the first thing most people notice, so make sure it really shines. Give it a fresh coat of paint, add some outside, potted plants and a new rug. If the front door is inviting and welcoming, the home will sell faster and for a better price.
  3. Place Furniture Strategically
    The placement of your furniture can add to or detract from your home. In the main living areas, put the furniture into conversation groupings rather than pushing it up against the wall. Then, in other rooms, make sure the furniture accentuates the home’s positive features while drawing the eye away from negative ones. Remove some furniture, if needed, to help the room look as large as possible.
  4. Spruce up a Neglected Bedroom
    Do you have a guestroom or master bedroom that you’ve neglected over the years? Take some time to spruce it up. Transform the guest room into a kid’s bedroom (even if you don’t have kids) to make the home appealing to families who do. Make sure the bed is the focal point of your master bedroom space. Aim for symmetry where clutter rules. With these tips, your home will be much more appealing.
  5. Add Lighting
    Most homes do not have the right amount of lighting for proper home staging techniques. Even if your home has plenty of natural light, you want to ensure that you have 100 watts of lighting for every 50 square feet of living space. Adding lighting on multiple levels of the room, including overhead lights and table lamps, will make the space feel more warm and inviting.
  6. Clean and Organize the Kitchen, Inside and Out
    The kitchen will make or break your home’s ability to shine, so spend a significant amount of time here as you stage the property. Make sure you clean it well and pack away all clutter so the countertops can be clear. Then, clean out each cupboard and pantry to make it look like it has plenty of storage space. Remember, potential buyers will be looking inside these spaces. Finally, update any outdated appliances and cover any ugly cabinets with a fresh coat of paint. Don’t forget to invest in a new sink faucet if an upgrade is needed.

In a competitive market or in a situation where you need to sell your home quickly, staging is the key. Keep these tips in mind, and don’t be afraid to talk to a professional stager. Often, the cost of professional staging is made back with a higher sales price and less time on the market!

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