Preparing Your Home for a Quick Sale

If you are getting ready to sell your home or know someone who is, there are several small and inexpensive things any owner can do to help prepare it for the market. You need to have a plan which includes making small repairs in the most important rooms of your home, cleaning everywhere within your space and removing any clutter that may have overtaken your home.  It’s also important to create curb appeal because you only get one chance to create a great first impression and it’s what will create a positive mindset before buyers even enter your home.  In the following paragraphs I will speak about those little things that are often forgotten but can help to sell your home quicker, and may even help bring in a higher selling price.

First and foremost the price of your home will help determine how quickly it sells. Most sellers fall into the trap of pricing their home way too high from the onset only to find they need lower it after the buyers don’t bite. Sellers do this with the misguided idea that they need to leave lots of room for bargaining. However, statistics show that homes priced at or near the correct value sell much more quickly, and leave both buyers and sellers satisfied with the overall experience.  By pricing correctly you may even create a scenario where you receive more than one buyer offers on the home thereby driving the price above asking. Buyers are much savvier today with the help of the real estate sites which disclose what similar homes sold for in the same neighborhood.  It’s important that you do your homework first before putting your house on the market and a real estate agent can help with pricing your home correctly by supplying you with comparitive sales to help determine your decision. It will be time well spent.

Next we’ll discuss curb appeal and its impact on potential buyers.  As stated before, you only get one chance to make a great first impression. Make the most of it by making sure that you manicure the lawn, trim the bushes, clean the gutters and leaders, and get those windows sparkling clean. Paint and touch up areas that are showing wear from the weather.  Just take a moment to look at your house as a potential buyer would and you should be able to tell right off what needs to happen in order to make your house more appealing. It’s exactly what others will see and could ultimately be what helps you stand out from the rest because it will show that you’ve taken care of your house.

spacious_house-wallpaper-1920x1440Now for inside your home – declutter, declutter, declutter! Kitchens and bathrooms sell homes so make sure they are clean, neat and well organized. Survey the bathroom and hang fresh clean towels on the towel bars, caulk the inside of the tub and remove any and all black or cracked caulking, leave the countertops empty except for the bare necessities. Replace or repair leaky faucets and swap out dated hardware.  You’d be surprised what an impact this makes for buyers when comparing homes. As for the kitchen, show yours off by clearing away what’s not needed from the counter top. Most buyers are looking for kitchens with a good amount of work space. That’s why it’s important to highlight the maximum amount you have available. You can do this by removing everything except small appliances from the counter and ensuring that your backsplash is free from spots and debris. If you have very old appliances you might want to consider replacing them with stainless steel appliances since it helps to sell homes today. Lastly, double check that the plumbing has no leaks and that the fixtures are clean and rust free so if they are used or tested  they will be in good working order.

Paint can do wonders in sprucing up your home. Even if it’s only a room or two it can do wonders. I recommend that you focus on the kitchen, bath and/or Master bedroom since these rooms receive the most scrutiny from buyers.  Paint is a low cost way to instantly improve the look and feel of your home. You can get a great deal on paint at the hardware store by buying cans that have been returned. More often than not, these are modern fresh colors that can leave a lasting impact. The associate there can even add additional tint to create the color you’re looking for.  So grab your paint brush and take a couple of days to get the job done and see how much brighter your home will become.

Another way you can also create a warm and welcoming feeling is by putting fresh flowers around your home. These are not only pleasing to the eye but also smell great. Bake cookies just prior to the showing, the aroma is welcoming and will bring about fond memories. Open windows to create a nice breeze, and finally, do your best to depersonalize your home. You want people to imagine your space as their home not giving them the feeling that they are intruding in on yours. You can do this by removing pictures, your kid’s artwork (refrigerator, hallway, etc.) or anything that does not have a functional purpose. Doing so will give your home an overall look of a clean well-organized home that has been well taken care of. And isn’t that just the kind of impression you want to leave with your prospective buyer?

These small low cost fixes will certainly help prepare your home for a quicker, easier and more profitable sell without breaking the bank. Ultimately, you want your buyer to know that they are making a good choice by choosing your home. You can make it easy for them by preparing your home first by using these tips. I urge you to share any thoughts you have as well by posting your ideas and/or pictures on my Facebook page. Happy selling!


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