Make Every Day “Give Your Stuff Away Day”

Image: Eric Bartholomew/FlickrSince your stuff might not be someone else’s find and can muck up your curb appeal, opt for other great ways to give away your stuff all year long:

1. Use Freecycle. You join online and post a description of the stuff you want to be rid of. Members email telling you they want your stuff and when they can pick it up. My friend has gotten rid of old interior doors, a couch, a ficus tree, and unwanted chocolate-covered cherries she got for Christmas this way.

2. Organize a swap meet where neighbors trade sporting goods, clothes, or even Halloween costumes.

3. Post a picture of your stuff on Facebook and ask if any of your friends could use it.

4. Post a free online notice to either give away or sell your stuff on Craigslist. While you’re there, check to see if someone is giving away stuff you need, rather than buying new. Today all over the country, folks were using Craigslist to give away backyard playgrounds, landscaping rocks, and a hot tub.

5. When you remodel, donate the fixtures you’re replacing to Habitat for Humanity’s Restore. When you’re dropping off your stuff, you can check out salvaged building materials to use in your next home improvement project.


THINKING ABOUT BUYING OR SELLING A HOME? I can help make the process easy, get in touch today!

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