6 At-Home Activities That Don’t Include Cleaning

People are spending more time at home than ever – and boredom is starting to set in! Getting creative can be tough if you already feel the doldrums coming on. With that in mind, we’ve come up with this quick list of ways to pass the time while you’re at home.

If you’ve already done all the cleaning you can handle, try out these six fresh ideas:

  1. Work on a Home Improvement Project
    Homeowners often end up with a list of home improvement projects a mile long. Unfortunately, there’s not always time to get it all done. Now is a great opportunity to break out the old toolbox. While simple home improvement projects only take a few hours, many will consume your attention for days. Plus, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you got it all done.
  2. Play Board Games or Put Together a Puzzle
    Mobile games can be addictive, sure. At a time like this, though, something tactile is better at holding attention. A jigsaw puzzle is the perfect way to get the whole family involved. You can also break out classic board games or card games. Aside from Monopoly, consider things that get you out of your seat: Uno, Jenga, Twister, or anything else that keeps you moving.
  3. Reconnect with Coloring or Painting
    Adult coloring is one of the biggest trends today. While there are coloring books to suit every need, many of them focus on a meditative experience with plenty of small details. You can let your mind relax with a gentle focus on these projects. If painting is more your speed, classics like paint-by-number sets or even the Bob Ross painting kit are still available.
  4. Catch Up on Your Reading
    Book clubs are seeing an online resurgence as people look for “novel” ways to connect over their interests and passions. Even if you’re not in the mood to join a group, there’s never been a better time to tackle that stack of books you’ve been putting off. Hit the bookshelves (or brush off your trusty e-reader) and get started with the first title that catches your eye.
  5. Try Baking
    It wasn’t that long ago when people around the country were worried about a looming flour shortage. As bags of flour start to reappear on store shelves, remember that nothing says “home” quite like fresh-baked bread. Baking is much easier than you might think and requires no special equipment, just an oven. Aside from bread, cookies and simple cakes can take as little as an hour.
  6. Plan a (Future) Trip
    A lot of small things can help you get through difficult times. One of the most important ones is to have something to look forward to! If it’s been a while since you went on vacation, it’s not too soon to start building the itinerary of your dreams. Even adults need to let their imaginations soar every once in a while – and before you know it, it’ll be time to take that trip for real.

Remember, Being Inside Isn’t Just a Choice Between “Bored” and “Busy”

Whether it’s home improvement or anything else on your list, don’t feel like you have to push yourself to be extra productive right now. Doing some things you genuinely enjoy is good for your mental well-being and will help you to keep your energy up. That can make all the difference!

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