Selling Your Home in a Virtual World

Like the rest of the world, the real estate industry has had to make significant adjustments due to COVID-19, to keep sales associates, buyers, and sellers safe. The process for selling your home may look different these days, but buyers and sellers are still motivated to close the deal virtually while navigating the new normal. Learn how to navigate this new market with our guide to selling your home in a virtual world.

  • Why Your Online Listing Is More Important Than Ever
    Online listings have been a vital element of the real estate marketing mix for years. In the past, buyers would rely on online listings to form first impressions and decide which homes to visit in person. Your online listing plays an even more critical role in selling your home today because buyers in many markets don’t have the opportunity to see homes in person.

    Now, they need to be able to learn as much as possible about the home–and hopefully fall in love with the property–without visiting it first-hand. Professional-quality photography for your listing is the perfect place to start when selling your home. You’ll also want to describe the property in as much detail as possible so that buyers searching for properties like yours can find it easily. Once your listing generates interest from buyers, you can use the other marketing tools on our list to close the deal.

  • Virtual Tours Help Buyers Visit Homes from Anywhere
    While professional photography is a great start, buyers will often require a more immersive experience to fall in love with your home from a distance. That’s where virtual tours come in, and it’s no surprise that the popularity of virtual tours has increased dramatically due to COVID-19 precautions. Virtual tours allow buyers to travel through the home as if they were there, examining features, dreaming of what they would do with each room, and deciding whether the property fits their needs. A virtual tour makes selling your home easier because buyers can tour the home no matter where they’re located, at any time that’s convenient for them.
  • How a Virtual Open House Can Help Sell Your Home
    A virtual open house led by your sales associate takes the idea of a virtual tour to the next level, allowing them to provide crucial context, answer questions, and highlight features of the home. You can even use virtual staging to help buyers imagine what their lives would be like in the home!

    For a buyer who has already done extensive research on the home, a virtual open house provides a chance to solidify their impressions and convince them to prepare an offer. For someone who is seeing the home for the first time, a virtual open house may be your first and best opportunity to help them fall in love with the home.

  • Find a Sales Associate Who Knows Digital Marketing
    Finding the right sales associate is always a key factor in selling your home, and it’s even more important today. When you’re scouting sales associates, make sure that whoever you choose has an understanding of modern marketing tactics and all of the digital tools required for selling your home in this most unusual market.

Unusual challenges often require unusual solutions, and selling your home in today’s market means embracing change. The good news is that a blueprint for success is already in place, with virtual sales tools and outside-the-box marketing ideas leading the way.



THINKING ABOUT BUYING OR SELLING A HOME? I can help make the process easy, get in touch today!

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