8 Tips for Ousting Awful Pet Smells from Your Home

If you have a pet, one of the first things to do before showing your home is tackle any powerful pet odors.

Selling your home is easier if prospective buyers get a positive impression from the beginning, and that starts with smell.

Let’s look at some effective methods for reducing pet odors.

  1. Steam Clean
    A powerful, easy, but somewhat pricey approach is to steam clean the carpets as soon as you get started selling your home. This will help you eliminate odors and will also get to “deep down” stains in the flooring, whether they come from pets or anything else.
  2. Add An Air Purifier
    A standalone air purifier can significantly reduce the concentration of various allergens in the air. This helps to resolve pet odors and cuts down on other irritants that could bother buyers. This is a great solution if you still have weeks to go in the sale and your pet will be around.
  3. Change Your Air Filters
    No matter where you live or how often you use it, your residential HVAC system probably has air filters. Depending on the style, you may need to clean these regularly or even replace them. This raises air quality throughout the house and keeps pet odors on the down low.
  4. Perform a Full Vacuuming Weekly
    At the end of every week while selling your home, vacuum all furniture your pets have been on thoroughly. This includes removing cushions, slipcovers, and the like to get down to the bottom of everything. Don’t forget drapes and the underside of couches, where pet hair can gather!
  5. Brush Your Pet Regularly
    Brushing your pet is a fun and natural approach to minimize shedding. If you have a long-haired dog or cat, it might seem like a lot comes out – but there’ll be much less, overall, throughout the next week. That helps control smells and makes most pets a lot happier, too.
  6. Use Vinegar as a Secret Weapon
    Vinegar is an amazing natural cleaner that can be even more effective than some purpose-mixed cleaning chemicals. You can spray it onto many types of flooring and allow it to evaporate over time to knock out pet musk. This helps you get the drop on odors early while selling your home.
  7. Paint the Walls
    Painting is always a smart move when selling your home because it refreshes the whole appearance of any room. If you’ve got drywall, plaster, or woodwork that absorbs pet odors, it may also be one of your best options for cleaning out potent pet smells.
  8. When in Doubt, Use Potpourri
    Covering up pet odors might seem like cheating, but in the long run, it’s a good adjunct to your cleaning campaign. Giving buyers a nose full of something pleasant will make them happier and help chase off any lingering odors. Just make sure that “fresh” scent isn’t too strong!

When you’ve been living with a beloved pet (or pets!) for a while, it’s not always easy to pick up on their natural aroma. Buyers will be much more attuned to it than pet owners, so it’s important to go a step further than you might think is necessary.

If you’re not sure, invite a friend or family member over to check things out. They’ll be able to tell you if they can detect Fido or Fluffy, and might even point out areas where the scent is stronger. The hard work will be worth it after selling your house for a premium price!

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