10 Signs You’ve Outgrown Your Home

For many homeowners there comes a point when your current home doesn’t seem to “fit” any longer.

How do you know if it’s time to sell your current home and buy a new one?  Here are ten signs you’ve outgrown your current home:

  1. Change in Family Size.
    The addition of (or return of) children, a spouse, an aging relative or even furry friends can mean things are just too crowded. Perhaps your children are grown and squeezing into that two bedroom apartment just isn’t going to be an option any longer. Or your children have left home and you no longer need the extra space.
  2. There’s Stuff Everywhere.
    You can’t walk around your home without tripping over or running into stuff. When you straighten up, there just isn’t anywhere to put it. Obviously more people means more stuff, but we acquire things just going through life. Y­ou may have started out in your current home as a young adult with little more than your clothes and a bed. In the meantime, you’ve acquired hobbies with equipment, had life experiences complete with photos and souvenirs, and had to buy an entire wardrobe of work clothes. Cleaning out the closets and other storage spaces can only go so far, and parting with everything just isn’t realistic.
  3. Major Life Changes.
    Sometimes change happens all at once and your current living space just isn’t practical going forward. Marriages, divorces, blended families, boomerang kids, career changes and changes in your financial situation can all signal it’s time to move.
  4. Your DIY Projects Never Happen.
    This is probably a good sign you don’t really feel at home here. If you’ve been there a while and done nothing to make the space unique and personal, it may be time to move on.
  5. You’re Always Doing Yard Work.
    Having a yard is nice but it comes with maintenance. If you don’t enjoy it or it takes too much of your time and you don’t want to pay someone to do it, it may be time to move.
  6. Your Home Doesn’t Appeal to You Any Longer
    Often in this situation those little quirks just become annoying and you spend all your time at home wanting to change or avoid them. If they can’t be remedied by remodeling or you don’t want to, it may be time to part.
  7. Your Home or Neighborhood Doesn’t Fit Your Lifestyle.
    If your lifestyle has changed significantly or you made some sacrifices with your current home, finding a place that better fits your lifestyle might be a good idea. For example, if your current space can’t accommodate entertaining, you may decide it’s something you don’t want to sacrifice anymore.
  8. You’re Getting Lots of New Neighbors.
    If your neighborhood is hot and property values have risen significantly, selling when you can get the most out of your investment might be a good idea.
  9. You Spend Lots of Time Somewhere Else.
    If you’re always hanging out in a different neighborhood or city or constantly looking for excuses not to hang out at your own place, you’d probably be happier elsewhere.
  10. You’re Home Shopping Even Though You’re Not Officially Looking.
    You spend tons of time looking at other homes online and daydreaming about your perfect home.

Seeing the signs that your current living space no longer fits is the first step toward a happier life for you and your family. It can be hard to part if you’ve made many memories there, but being honest and objective about your situation will help. Things change and if your current home isn’t meeting your needs, it’s time to move on.

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