Preparing for an open house

NG_open-houseWhen preparing to sell your home simple steps may increase the perceived value of your home. A clean and organized home always shows best. You want to ensure that your home looks it best so you are able to remove all barriers to you receiving the asking price you’ve established. Below are a few hints to help you make an impression that will lead to a smooth sale.

First you need to…

Clear counter tops and give your kitchen a nice sleek look. Make sure to remove piles of mail, paper towels, dish racks and anything else that creates clutter. Do not leave any undone dishes in the sink.

Remember to make all the beds. Organize closets to give them a larger appearance. Put away your children’s toys and games. Keep the floor space clear.

Make sure and vacuum and/or shampoo carpets.

Take the time to make small repairs. These small repairs mean increased dollars and time for the buyer. Do the work first to remove any question that your home is less than worthy of the sale price.

Check to make sure windows are clean, faucets, door handles, and metals around the house are shinny.

Do keep your lawn looking great and make sure the landscaping is well manicured. The grass should be cut, bushes trimmed and weeds pulled. Impressions begin forming when people see the outside of your home. Fresh flowers around the home give off a wonderful fragrance, and are very inviting.

As a final touch consider leaving cookies or chocolates in a bowl at the kitchen table for the visitors, making them feel welcome.

Appearance sells and that first impression count. The more comfortable a prospective buyer feels in your home the more likely he will be able to see himself living there. Once the realtor does his part and gets the customer to your home, make sure you do your part and make sure your home is ready to show.

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